Friday, February 28, 2020

Theodicy and the Free Will Defense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theodicy and the Free Will Defense - Essay Example This paper deems to tackle the concepts revolving around theodicy and free will; this also aims to know whether the free will defense meet all the three criteria for an effective theodicy. Free Will Human free will and freely chosen good actions are of high value, even though free will opens up the possibility of evil (Pinnock 5). Furthermore, as guided by the definition of freedom, free will or free act is an act that is not determined casually in any way by one’s genetic makeup, by one’s environment or even by God (Pinnock 5). Likewise, every free person is possibly sinful and free to choose evil; thus, given the independence of human freedom from divine control, it is obviously impossible for God to guarantee that individuals will always freely choose to do what is morally noble (Pinnock 5). In simple terms, Pinnock implied that free will is considered as a key justification to evil (4). Individuals deem that they have free will if they view themselves as agents capa ble of influencing the world in a variety of ways (Kane 5). Moreover, persons feel that it is up to them what they will choose and how they will act and this means they could have chosen and acted otherwise (Kane 5). Furthermore, Kane suggests that the basis of the actions of individuals exercising free will lie in themselves and not outside them which is something that could be beyond their control (5). The Biopic Teleological Argument Edwards inquired about how a powerful transcendent Creator can be a Benevolent Super-intellect when evil is evident in the world (299). Edwards then emphasized that no single, magic bullet neatly solves the problem of theodicy for if there is an available solution, it usually results from cumulative weight of many considerations; hence, the success or failure of theodicy is a matter of fallible and variable judgment (299). Massive evil in the world is indeed the greatest obstacle of all to have faith and believe that a good God created the universe f or benevolent purposes (Edwards 299). Without theodicy, individuals would deprive God of devotion instead contempt might linger in their mind and hearts (Edwards 299). The Free Will Defense amidst the Criteria of Theodicy The Free Will Defense by Alvin Plantinga denotes that much of the evil most notably the moral evil that exist in the world is a consequence of God’s endowing humans with significant moral freedom (Nash 199). In lieu of the first criteria of effective theodicy, the premise handled only human-caused suffering satisfactorily in the sense that it rationalizes why one experiences such. Such outcome is based on the fact that a free and responsible choice originates with the intelligent moral agent who makes it (Edwards 299). Thus, being responsible for a choice and its consequences such as suffering means picking that option or choice knowingly (Edwards 299). As what Edwards (299) highlighted that moral agents are responsible only for the decisions they made that originated from them, other than that, they may not be held accountable (Edwards 299). The second criteria of an effective theodicy was tackled by the Free Will Defense, in such a way that this approach stressed that God allows moral evil in order to bring about the greater good of allowing his creation to encompass significantly free moral agents, without whom there could be no moral good (Nash 199). Though pain and suffering may be experience due to the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Monitoring U.S. citizens' phone conversations to detect potential Essay

Monitoring U.S. citizens' phone conversations to detect potential terriorist threats - Essay Example Such provisions threaten the quintessential American way of life. Liberty and freedom have always been a fundamental part of the American ethos and values. The very spirit of American political life and popular expectations simply do not allow the state to extend its sway beyond a point where it not only interferes with the personal and professional lives of people and individuals, but rather tempers with the privacy of their private and professional phone conversations. National security is really very important. However, the concerns for national security cannot be allowed to irrationality expand to a level where they start hampering the normal activities of the citizens. The act of monitoring the phone conversations of citizens is also unconstitutional and violates the Fourth Amendment rights of the citizens, which constitute a part of the Bill of Rights (Dripps, 2007). Superficially speaking, the Fourth Amendment to the constitution of the United States of America intends to prot ect the citizens from illegal search and seizures. Surprisingly, the very purpose of this Amendment was to check the abuse of general search warrants in the American Revolution (Dripps, 2007). In the historical Katz v.